Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Is There A Bigger Hypocrite Than Art Pedroza?

If you looked up "hypocrite" in the dictionary, don't be surprised if you see Art Pedroza's picture next to the definition.

As you can see in his comments on these two OJ posts (aqui y aqui), Art threw a hissy fit about the Orange Juice Watch Diary asking the question on everyone's minds: does Art have a job?

Whines Art
"And now his blog has an entire diary devoted to attacking not our politics but rather our personal lives."

"What a bunch of sniveling red cowards."

You can't help wondering: is Art such a complete sociopath that he really doesn't see that he routinely does to other people precisely what he's complaining was done to him? Or is he a total, unashamed hypocrite and doesn't care how obvious it is?

It would be funny if it weren't so sad. As readers know, attacking people's personal lives is Art's stock in trade. Here's an Art Pedroza post from last July about Paul Lucas, publishing an anonymous personal attack on Paul and ridiculing him for working at Costco.

Former OC Register editorial writer John Seiler, languishing in obscurity, rides to Art's defense in an OJ post today. Funny how John remains silent every time Art commits the same sin John blasts in his post.

What do you think: is Art a hypocrite or sociopath? Can a person be both?

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